Supplements and Foods to Eat Before Your Wedding!

Supplements and Foods to Eat Before Your Wedding!

Wondering What Supplements and Foods to Eat Before Your Wedding? I've got you covered!

I am a wedding photographer in Los Angeles, California. Interested in wedding photography? You can view my portfolio, HERE.

Now that we got that plug out of the way, let’s talk about everything you need to know when it comes to what supplements and foods to eat before your wedding!

The Big Day!

Before any big event, but ESPECIALLY when it comes to one’s own want to be feeling your best.

In general, I am a big fan of supplements because well, I'll take all the help I can get. Ill be talking about both supplement and food options if you prefer to get these vitamins and nutrients from food.


Please keep in mind, I am not a doctor. I did however, get the majority of this list from a naturopath I work with. The rest is honestly from health book, I love learning about different natural remedies. I always have. And I have always said, if I didn’t become a photographer I would have probably become an herbalist, but that is a rant for another time.

Choose 1 - 3

Before I get into it, I am listing a lot of things here and this can get overwhelming very fast.

Let me just say, it’s better to implement 1 - 2 changes consistently then trying to do all of them inconsistently. So don’t get overwhelmed. Just pick 1 - 3 or that you feel would benefit you best and go from there.

So let’s just dive in! 

Wedding Supplements & Foods for Building Immunity

No one wants to feel under the weather at his or her own wedding... and especially now with our current climate. If you’re reading this 10 years from now, well, remember when we all faced THE PLAGUE - aka - covid-19?! Yeah, that was rough.

For immunity I recommend:

Liposomal Vitamin C - Supplements and Foods to Eat Before Your Wedding!

The Liposomal version of vitamin C is suppose to get absorbed a lot better by the body.

Food Versions

If you prefer the food version of getting in Vitamin C, some options are:

  • Red bell peppers
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Oranges
  • Broccoli


Zinc is always good for one’s immune system.

Food Versions

If you prefer the food version of getting in Zinc, some options are:

  • Legumes
  • Eggs

Vitamin D - Supplements and Foods to Eat Before Your Wedding!

I read an article recently that stated that "41.6% of adults in the US are vitamin D deficient," and Vitamin D is responsible for regulating so many functions in the body.

Vitamin D is essential for immunity and energy, but its also a mood booster.

Food Versions

If you prefer the food version of getting in Vitamin D, some options are:

  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms

Wedding Supplements & Foods for Gut Health

Daily Probiotic

A daily probiotic is great as balances the friendly bacteria in your digestive system. This helps encourage better elimination, taking a significant burden off your skin.

Food Versions

If you prefer the food version of getting in probiotics, some options are:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi

Wedding Supplements & Foods for Skin


Collagen is the protein that gives structure to your skin. I like to take the liquid kind because it’s said to be absorbed better by the body.


Food Versions

If you prefer the food version of getting in great nutrients for your skin, some options are:

  • RED Bell Peppers

- Incredibly high with Vitamin C, which regenerates collagen. They are also a great source of mineral silicone, which diminishes wrinkles and makes skin appear for youthful. 

  • Avocados

These great for skin because they're abundant in monounsaturated fats, ideal for moisturizing the skin from the inside out. They also contain the amino acids glutamine and glutathione.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that protects your DNA by maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are an essential part of human cells that affect how are cells age. 

  • Cucumbers

They are high in enzyme charged water, b vitamins, nutrients and electrolytes to build skin radiance from within. They also contribute to bright skin and keep you hydrated.

Wedding Supplements & Foods for Hair

Pumpkin Seeds

They’re an excellent source of zinc and sulfur. They contain B vitamins including biotin, essential for strengthening hair. They are also a rich source of essential fatty acids, which nourish the scalp. Luckily, these are so easy to eat. Just throw them in a salad!

Wedding Supplements & Foods for General Health

Cilantro & Parsley

If you’re looking to detox, making smoothies with cilantro and parsley is amazing for you. These are great for helping to remove heavy metals from one body, which enter the bloodstreeamm from various ways, including chemicals in household products, farmed fish, and environmental pollutants. 

How does this work?

Basically the parsley and cilantro bind to the heavy metals and allow them to be dissolved and excreted in one’s urine. 

These should be used in conjunction with chlorella, which is a kind of green algae and together they act as a perfect tool for body detoxification. 

This process is called "chelation" and this prevents premature aging because heavy metals can be the source of millions of free radicals in the tissues of the body. Upon removal of these heavy metals, thee tissues can heal and function normally. 

A study a read said "the combination of cilantro, parsley and chlorella can naturally remove an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 45 days."

And in general, cilantro and parsley just have a host of other benefits.

They decrease oxidative stress and protect against DNA damage. So, if you can have a daily juice or smoothie or even just throw them into your salad...this is great for one’s health. 

Parsley in particular is also a diuretic that helps prevent bloating by flushing out the kidneys. 

The Power of Cacao

And to end this post on a very, very delightful note, let's talk about the benefits of cacao, which is found in dark chocolate. :)

This is a superfood with really high concentrations of antioxidants. 

This is chocolate with a high cacao percentage -- look for at least 70%. 

It helps boosts skin hydration, reduces redness, and increases oxygen supplied to skin. It’s also a "feel good" food that raises levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and endorphins to the brain. 

Just remember, this needs to be 70% or more of cacao percentage, so it’s darker chocolate that isn’t as sweet. 

If you have any questions about wedding photography, you can reach me HERE.

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